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Frequency Equals Success

Only RADIO allows you to achieve the message frequency necessary to stand out from the competition!

In 1885, researcher Thomas Ebbinghaus did a study on people's ability to retain information. He called the results the “Curve of Forgetfulness.” Ebbinghaus found that a person forgets 75% of what he/she has learned in the previous week. After three weeks, he/she forgets 90%. After four weeks, he/she forgets 95%.

In terms of advertising, it is crucial for the advertiser to make the message important enough for the individual to want to retain it and act on it.

Source: The Arbitron Company, Beyond The Ratings

The average person is bombarded by approximately 3,000 marketing impressions each day. To break through this clutter successfully, you need a medium that not only targets your best prospects but also delivers the message enough times to make a lasting impression.

Radio advertising uniquely is intrusive. Consumers listen only to their very favorite stations - and they listen for long periods of time, giving you the best possible opportunity to achieve the message repetition necessary to a successful advertising campaign.

And, on radio, you stand the spotlight!




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